Acupuncture is used for a broad range of health issues including chronic and degenerative diseases as well as acute conditions and pain. Acupuncture can benefit the immune system by strengthening it if it is weak, or by moderating it if it is overactive. The following list is just a sample of health issues I have treated with acupuncture:
- Facial Pain
- Neck Pain
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorders(TMD)
- Contracture of Joint/Spasm of Muscle
- Shoulder Pain/Frozen Shoulder
- Back Pain/Low Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Fibromyalgia/Myofacial
- Pain/Neuralgia/Neuritis/Radiculitis
- Headache/Migraine
- Neuropathies
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Automobile and Sports Injuries
- Arthritis/Osteoarthritis
- Tendonitis/Tennis Elbow
- Stress, Depression and Insomnia
- Menopause Syndrome/PMS
- Gynecological Disorders
- Infertility in Males and Females
- Bell’s Palsy/Pareses following a stroke
- Allergies, Respiratory Diseases
- Skin Diseases
- Smoking Cessation
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Digestive System Problems/Constipation/IBS/ Nausea/Vomiting
- Cancer Treatment Support
- Immunity Enhancement
Note: The above includes the more common ailments treated. It is not a complete list. If your ailment does not appear on this list, it does not mean it can not be treated by acupuncture. Please contact me to discuss it.
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