Sports Massage

Heal and speed recovery with massage therapy.

Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy

From athletes to weekend warriors and outdoor enthusiasts, massage has proven benefits to help with pre-performance, post-performance, and rehabilitation therapy. We will help you be your best self.

What is Sports Massage? How Does it Help?

Target Soft Tissues to Heal and Recover

Sports massage is specifically designed to target the soft tissues of your body that are relevant to your particular sport. Runners may focus on calves and thighs; climbers on upper body muscles; tennis players on elbow and shoulder; and more. From solo sports like cycling, to team sports like basketball, football, and soccer, massage can help your body prepare for workout, recover from an event, or rehabilitate from injury.

Many techniques are used in a massage therapy session. These techniques and movements are used to help athletes achieve maximum performance or work on physical conditioning in ways that both decrease the chance of injury as well as recover more quickly as your body strengthens and heals.

  • Triggerpoint Therapy
  • Myofacial Therapy
  • Stretching
  • Petrissage (kneading)
  • Crossfiber Friction
  • Gait and Posture Analysis


Many studies and experiential observations document the benefits of sports massage therapy. In sports, performing at your best often covers areas that are beneficial for the mind (psychological benefits of massage) as well as for your body (physiological benefits of massage).

Some of the specific benefits of massage are shown to include the following:

  • Increased range of motion (ROM) for joints
  • Increase flexibility of muscles and tendons
  • Injury prevention
  • Increased sense of well-being
  • Decreased muscle tension
  • Decreased nerve excitability
  • Decreased muscle spasms
  • Better and deeper sleep

Trust About Touch for Your Massage Therapy

Here’s what our clients have to say:

“I have had many massages in my life and several in Eugene.  I always end up going back to About Touch.  Jennifer and her staff are so knowledgeable at what they do and I always feel better after my massage.”

Holly G.


Wellness Is a Journey. We Can Help Get You There.

  • aromatherapy massage

The Aromatic Bliss of Aromatherapy Massage

December 22nd, 2023|Comments Off on The Aromatic Bliss of Aromatherapy Massage

The Aromatic Bliss of Aromatherapy Massage In the realm of self-care and relaxation, a massage is often considered a luxurious escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Now, imagine elevating this [...]

What is the Difference Between Body Massage and Sports Massage?

In the lush surroundings of Eugene, Oregon, where an active lifestyle is as integral as the natural beauty that envelops the city, understanding the nuances between a traditional body massage and a sports massage becomes paramount. While both offer relaxation and therapeutic benefits, the distinction lies in their focus, techniques, and outcomes.

Purpose and Focus:
The fundamental difference between a body massage and a sports massage lies in their primary purpose and focus. A body massage, often associated with spa treatments, is designed for relaxation, stress relief, and overall well-being. It encompasses a variety of techniques to promote a sense of calm and ease tension in the muscles. On the other hand, sports massage is specifically tailored to individuals engaged in athletic activities. Its primary focus is on preventing and treating sports-related injuries, enhancing athletic performance, and aiding in the recovery process.

Techniques and Intensity:
The techniques employed in body massage and sports massage vary significantly. A body massage typically incorporates gentle strokes, kneading, and rhythmic movements to induce relaxation. It aims to release tension and promote a general sense of tranquility. In contrast, sports massage involves a combination of techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and stretching. The intensity of a sports massage is often higher, targeting specific muscles and areas of the body that are subjected to repetitive stress during sports activities.

Timing and Application:
Another key distinction is in the timing and application of these massages. Body massages are generally longer in duration and may involve full-body treatments. They are often enjoyed in a spa setting, with the goal of providing a comprehensive relaxation experience. On the other hand, sports massages are more focused and may be applied before an athletic event to prepare the body, during an event for immediate relief, or post-event to aid in recovery. The timing and application of sports massage are strategic, aligning with the demands of an individual’s athletic pursuits.

Target Audience:
While body massages cater to a broad audience seeking relaxation and stress relief, sports massages are specifically designed for athletes and individuals involved in regular physical activities. Sports massage is tailored to meet the unique needs of those who put their bodies through rigorous training and competitions, addressing the specific challenges and stresses associated with athletic endeavors.

In the active community of Eugene, where outdoor adventures abound, understanding the difference between a body massage and a sports massage is crucial for individuals seeking therapeutic benefits aligned with their lifestyle. Whether it’s unwinding in the tranquility of a spa or addressing the demands of athletic pursuits, knowing which massage modality suits one’s needs ensures a holistic approach to well-being in this wellness-oriented city.

What are the Three Types of Sports Massage?

Eugene, Oregon, with its scenic trails and outdoor enthusiasts, has embraced sports massage as an integral component of the active lifestyle that defines the community. Sports massage, a specialized form of bodywork designed for athletes and physically active individuals, comes in various types, each serving specific purposes in enhancing performance, preventing injuries, and promoting recovery.

Pre-Event Sports Massage:
The pre-event sports massage is a dynamic and invigorating massage tailored to prepare an athlete’s body for upcoming physical activity. Administered shortly before the event, it aims to stimulate circulation, increase flexibility, and activate the muscles that will be prominently involved in the activity. This type of sports massage is characterized by brisk movements and invigorating techniques, helping athletes enter their competition with optimal physical readiness.

Inter-Event Sports Massage:
For athletes engaged in tournaments, competitions, or events with multiple sessions, the inter-event sports massage plays a crucial role in maintaining peak performance. Administered between activities, it focuses on preventing muscle stiffness and fatigue. The techniques used are often lighter and aim to promote relaxation and recovery without interfering with the athlete’s ongoing performance. Inter-event sports massage contributes to sustained endurance and agility throughout a series of physical activities.

Post-Event Sports Massage:
The post-event sports massage is a vital component of an athlete’s recovery strategy. Administered after the completion of an event or training session, it aims to facilitate the body’s natural healing processes and alleviate muscle soreness. This type of sports massage often incorporates techniques like deep tissue massage and stretching to address muscle tightness and promote the elimination of metabolic waste products. Post-event sports massage is instrumental in reducing recovery time, allowing athletes to bounce back quickly and resume training or competing at their best.

Injury-Specific Sports Massage:
While not always considered a distinct category, injury-specific sports massage deserves mention for its targeted approach. Athletes in Eugene facing specific injuries or chronic issues may benefit from a sports massage that addresses their unique condition. This could involve a combination of techniques tailored to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote the rehabilitation of injured tissues. Injury-specific sports massage is a valuable tool in the overall treatment plan for athletes recovering from musculoskeletal issues.

In Eugene’s dynamic and active community, the understanding of the three main types of sports massage is essential for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Whether preparing for an event, maintaining performance between activities, or recovering from intense physical exertion, the versatility of sports massage ensures that individuals in Eugene can seamlessly integrate this specialized form of bodywork into their holistic approach to wellness and athletic pursuits.